What will your favourite flower say about you?

22 June 2018

Written by Services Manager, Claire Robertson: This month we’ve been talking about how it’s important to have choice when it comes to end of life care and funeral plans.  There is always a lot to think about when somebody dies and making funeral arrangements can be stressful. All too often, people feel hurried into making […]

Our step-by-step guide to personalising a funeral

14 June 2018

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Last week, there were lots of news headlines about the lack of transparency and ‘confusion’ in the funeral industry, particularly around pricing.  We couldn’t agree more with Senior Director of Markets at Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Daniel Gordon, when he said to BBC News: “People can understandably be very […]

March funeral flower of the month: the beginning of spring

19 March 2018

Written by Office Manager, Claire Robertson: The daffodil (narcissus) is without doubt, the most iconic flower in Wales – and it can be seen growing everywhere in swathes of brilliant yellow at this time of the year. Symbolising rebirth and new beginnings, which is why it’s sometimes known as the ‘Lent Lily’, narcissi are a […]

February Funeral Flower of the Month: It had to be the rose!

17 February 2018

Written by Office Manager, Claire Robertson: It would be remiss of me not to talk about the rose this month – it is, after all, synonymous with love, Valentine’s Day, and the month of February. Perhaps you were lucky to receive a red rose last Wednesday? The rose was the clear choice for our Petal […]

Holly, ivy, fir trees, poinsettias and some more unusual Christmas blooms!

20 December 2017

Written by Office Manager, Claire Robertson: December is a time of celebration, but often a time of great sadness as the winter months claim their many casualties and our losses, past and present, are at the forefront of our minds. It’s a time when lots of people visit the graves or resting places of their […]

October Flowers: 3 ideas for innovative tributes

11 October 2017

Written by Claire Robertson, Office Manager: October is synonymous with pumpkins, conkers, and dried foliage – and we have seen some stunning autumnal floral arrangements featuring all three over the years. Gold, brown, red and orange blooms also make fitting tributes at this time of the year, and Dahlia’s in particular are popular right now […]

September Floral Tributes: Iris sprays, vegetable pillows, or charitable donations?

15 September 2017

Written by Claire Robertson: September is here and so is the chill in the air here in Cardiff! It’s officially the start of autumn; the time when plants and flowers begin to bear fruit and harvest begins. This means that when it comes to funeral flowers in September, there is an abundance of in season, British […]