Coles Funeral Directors to launch dedicated Bereavement Hub in the heart of Cardiff during Dying Matters Awareness Week
2 May 2019
Later this month the Coles Funeral Directors team is taking on the challenging task of getting the people of Cardiff talking about death as part of the ‘Are We Ready?’ Dying Matters campaign. On Friday 17th May 2019 (9:30-12:30), Coles Funeral Directors is holding a Community Coffee Morning to mark the opening of a new Bereavement Hub at […]

Have you resolved to get organised this January?
15 January 2019
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Last week, my blog shared some key findings from the annual Cost of Dying report* published in 2018. It explained why more than half of people who have ever organised a funeral have thought about their own funeral… and why many of those people haven’t got round to doing anything […]

A generous gift for your family
18 December 2018
Written by Director of Communications, Francesca Coles: This year, perhaps more than most, I’ve been struck by the number of advertisements and campaigns that are advocating the giving of love, kindness, and compassion this Christmas time…In times of economic uncertainty like our current Brexit situation, the trend is to focus on ‘experience giving’ and spending […]

PRESS RELEASE: Coles Funeral Directors goes from strength to strength
12 September 2018
Second independent, boutique funeral home set to open in Heathwood, Cardiff, creating rare career opportunities in the funeral industry. This announcement comes in light of its celebration at being named as a finalist in four categories at the prestigious Good Funeral Awards Local businessman, Director Gareth Coles, promises fair funerals for all Coles Funeral Directors is […]

Is there a Funeral Price War raging – and if so, who started it?
7 September 2018
 Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Over the summer you may have been made aware of the considerable turmoil in the funeral industry at the moment… Well, behind the scenes here at Coles we’ve been pulling out all the stops to campaign on your behalf for fairer funeral prices for all – and wanted to share […]

When should funeral arrangements not be a personal choice?
28 June 2018
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: If you’ve read my previous blogs this month, I’ve been writing about the importance of personal choice when it comes to making funeral plans and arrangements. There really is no right or wrong way to say goodbye to a loved one, and at no point should you feel pressured by […]

Spirituality in Life and Death
18 April 2018
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: In my last blog, I talked about religious traditions in death, using my own belief system – Roman Catholicism – as an example. Today, I’d like to talk about a growing trend in funerals: Spirituality.At Coles, we’ve been arranging Humanist Funerals (non-religious) for a number of years now, but at […]

Your Final Act of Love: Caring for the Dead
28 February 2018
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: When I started in the death care industry many moons ago – I made a decision. A commitment if you will, to the dying, the dead and the grieving, that I would do my very best to take care of them and ensure the funerals I planned would perfectly reflect […]

February Funeral Flower of the Month: It had to be the rose!
17 February 2018
Written by Office Manager, Claire Robertson: It would be remiss of me not to talk about the rose this month – it is, after all, synonymous with love, Valentine’s Day, and the month of February. Perhaps you were lucky to receive a red rose last Wednesday? The rose was the clear choice for our Petal […]

Inspiring, innovative death care and bereavement services available in Cardiff
30 October 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: In my last couple of blogs, I’ve concentrated on innovative new products in the death care industry, but this week I’d like to focus on the wealth of ground-breaking services available to people, right here in Cardiff. Some services are designed to help you plan and finance the end of […]

10 innovative ways to scatter and transform cremains
26 October 2017
Written by Director, Gareth Coles: We’ve been getting inspired at Coles this month as we look at innovation in the funeral industry. Today we’re looking at alternatives to interring or storing ashes in decorative urns. Some of the practices are already part of our service offering, but when it comes to memorials and keepsakes using […]