How well do you know your partner’s funeral wishes?
19 June 2020
Do you know your partner’s favourite colour? Their most beloved movie or their go-to dinner? We’re positive that you do. These may be considered to be the ‘little things’ but they’re important nonetheless and have probably come up in conversation on multiple occasions. But what about your partner’s funeral wishes – have you discussed this? […]

The Community – how can you offer your support?
9 June 2020
As the Welsh Government is working away in the background to put plans in place for post-lockdown, those who have been struggling to cope or have lost a loved one during the pandemic will know that the situation is far from over. We still have a long way to go. However, during this time, team […]

Coping with grief remotely during COVID-19
30 April 2020
Coping with grief and the loss of a loved one is incredibly difficult under any circumstances, but during a global pandemic where funeral legislation is limiting the number of people allowed to say they’re final goodbye and where emotional support systems may be separated or fractured, it might be almost unbearable. But there are ways […]

Taking care of your wellbeing after loss
17 April 2020
Losing a loved one can unearth so many different feelings – from sadness, to anger, stress and much more. You’ll likely experience a wide spectrum of emotions as you deal with your loss and the grief journey isn’t an easy one and is very personal to you. But during this time, it’s important that you […]

Remembering loved ones during coronavirus Q&A
3 April 2020
The situation around coronavirus is changing rapidly and we know how difficult it can be to stay up to date with the latest regulations, especially if you’re trying to distance yourself from the news (it’s overwhelming, we know). With Italy currently banning funerals, many loved ones are missing out on the chance to say their […]

Coles offers support amid COVID-19 crisis
23 March 2020
Cardiff-based Coles Funeral Directors is offering its support to the local community in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak. The family-run funeral directors launched its Bereavement Support Hub in Birchgrove in 2019 and will be utilising this resource in the wake of the Coronavirus crisis to provide assistance, extending its services over the coming weeks […]

Supporting you and the local Cardiff community during COVID-19
18 March 2020
WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY … We hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well – and that continues to be the case as the COVID-19 outbreak evolves. In line with the Government and The World Health Organization recommendations, we’re taking even more steps than usual to ensure the health […]

Remembering loved ones this Mother’s Day
11 March 2020
Coping with the loss of a parent is never easy but can seem more difficult on an occasion like Mother’s Day, where shops, social media and your inbox are packed full of messages encouraging you to celebrate ‘mum’ or the ‘mothers in your life’. On the flip side, it’s all too easy to forget about […]

Why should you pre-pay or pre-plan your funeral?
9 June 2017
Although we cannot predict our death, we can regain a sense of control by pre-planning or pre-paying for our funeral. Pre-planning your funeral enables you to have all of your wishes met by personalising your funeral to your taste as well as taking the stress and burden away from loved ones at an already difficult time.Should […]

Why should you pre-pay or pre-plan your funeral?
9 June 2017
Although we cannot predict our death, we can regain a sense of control by pre-planning or pre-paying for our funeral. Pre-planning your funeral enables you to have all of your wishes met by personalising your funeral to your taste as well as taking the stress and burden away from loved ones at an already difficult time.Should […]

Coles Funeral Directors announce partnership with Roald Dahl charity for sick children
5 May 2017
We are delighted to announce that after much deliberation we have chosen ‘Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity’ as our official charity partner. The new partnership will initially be for 12 months and we hope to raise at least £3000 for around 100 hours of Roald Dahl specialist nursing for seriously ill children in and around Cardiff & […]

Coles Funeral Directors announce partnership with Roald Dahl charity for sick children
5 May 2017
We are delighted to announce that after much deliberation we have chosen ‘Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity’ as our official charity partner. The new partnership will initially be for 12 months and we hope to raise at least £3000 for around 100 hours of Roald Dahl specialist nursing for seriously ill children in and around Cardiff & […]