Saying ‘Thank You’ to Those Who Died to Save Us

9 November 2018

Written by Head of Communications, Francesca Coles: This Poppy Appeal, The Royal British Legion (who we work closely with here in Cardiff) is leading the Nation in saying ‘Thank You’ to the First World War generation who served, sacrificed and changed our world.With beautiful, poignant Red Poppy installations the focus point for communities across the UK this […]

Remembrance – the action of remembering

11 November 2017

Written by Director, Gareth Coles: Inspired by this year’s theme for the Poppy Appeal and Rethinking Remembrance – it’s got us thinking here at Coles, how do you remember your loved ones?Remembrance is defined as ‘the action of remembering something or someone’.  So whether you choose to remember someone by simply taking the time to […]