With You Every Step of the Way
Some immediate decisions will need to be made when your loved one dies, such as where you would like them to rest and whether their final wishes were for burial or cremation (with or without interment). It’s one of the last significant decisions that we can make as individuals, and there are more options available than ever before…

Religious Burial in Consecrated Ground
For many religious people, burial in consecrated grounds (typically in a cemetery) is the perfect final resting place. It might be your love one’s wish to join the grave of someone who has passed before them, or be entombed in a family mausoleum. Simply let us know your loved one’s wishes and we can arrange for them to be carried out with the utmost respect and attention to detail. We can also arrange a graveside service so that families can watch over their loved ones as they are committed to the earth.

Natural Burial
Natural burials embrace all faiths, or no faith at all, allowing people perfect freedom to acknowledge and celebrate loved ones exactly as they wish. They are especially popular for people seeking green alternatives to cremation, and there are an increasing number of beautiful natural burial grounds across South Wales to choose from. Your loved one can be committed to the land with minimal disturbance to the natural environment and with no lasting impact. Their grave will remain unmarked, (although plotted with highly accurate geographic information system – GIS), allowing the natural habitat to become a living memorial to your loved one.

Working out slightly cheaper than a traditional burial, cremation is increasingly popular, particularly for non-religious families who would like a celebration of life or service at a crematorium/venue of their choosing. Your loved one’s ashes will be ready for collection after a matter of a few days should you wish to receive them.

Interment of Ashes
When a person is cremated, their cremains or ashes can be returned to you. If you would like your loved one’s ashes to be interred, you will need to think about where – perhaps at a graveyard in your local church or crematorium or in a natural burial ground. There is currently a growing trend for storing remains in a biodegradable urn that will aid the growth of a tree seed that’s packed along with your loved one’s ashes. Along similar lines, it’s also possible for ashes to be turned into ‘reef balls’ to support life in the oceans.
Whatever you decide is right for your loved one, here at Coles we will ensure their final wishes are carried out to the last letter.

SAIF Care Bereavement Counselling
At Coles Funeral Directors, we understand that the funeral is just the beginning of your grief journey.
To support you through your bereavement, we have partnered with SAIF Care to provide all our customers with specialist, professional, confidential and free of charge counselling and support…

Coles Bereavement Hub
Grief is something you will learn to live with your whole life long – ebbing and flowing around anniversaries, holidays and dates of note throughout the years. It’s why we founded the Coles Bereavement Hub, a community space, dedicated to offering everyone in our community specialist bereavement support, when they need it. Whether it’s now or in the future.