New Beginnings…

Written by Director, Gareth Coles:

I started planning my blogs about ‘New Beginnings’, our theme this month, the day Cardiff experienced a foot of snow on St David’s Day! Just a few days later, our beautiful new baby daughter, Sophia, finally joined us in time for us to have an extra special Mother’s Day this year. So I think it’s fair to say it has been an eventful beginning to Spring so far!Life is often busy with events we plan for like holidays, birthdays and national days; and those we don’t – like snow days! Our calendars are full of them and we organise our daily routines around them: sometimes months in advance, sometimes without having the opportunity to really think about it.


Births and Deaths often fall into this last category. Whilst we have a fairly reliable way to calculate when a baby is likely to be born, there are lots of factors at play that make it difficult to pinpoint an exact time. And it’s often a waiting game (as my wife Francesca will readily attest to!). Death, whilst inevitable, can come without any warning – and even when we know it’s approaching, it’s difficult to predict with any certainty. Many consider it ‘the final waiting game’.


One thing that’s for sure is that these universal events, Birth and Death, disrupt our daily routines and can override everything else that’s scheduled in our diaries.


You’ll know if you read my blog regularly that here at Coles, we believe that whilst we can’t really plan for ‘why, when or how’ we will die, we can prepare for ‘what’ we want to happen when the time comes with a pre-paid funeral plan.


We actively encourage all our customers to take out a pre-paid funeral plan, believing that it makes things far less stressful for your family and friends when you die. It means that they can spend their time comforting each other and beginning their grief journey, instead of planning your funeral service. It also means you get the send off you really want – and the peace of mind that it’s all taken care of.


If you’re looking for a new beginning this spring, planning for the end of life might seem like a strange place to start, but I believe that really it’s the only logical place to start, because if we can change the way we feel about death – become more death positive – we may well change the way we choose to live our lives.


And purely from a practical point of view, if you take out a pre-paid funeral plan with us before 31st March, you beat the industry-wide price rise, which comes into effect in April. There really is no time like the present to book your free consultation >